Given the symbology of my design I would have been a nice thing get for my anniversary, instead we got patio furniture. I got no regrets there, I love how our sun room is now, but still the desire for this tattoo is there nagging at my subconscious, and frequently breaking through into my conscious thoughts.
I would have gotten it by now, but it just does not seem a responsible use of money, given that it is totaly decorative with no practicable applications. I suspect that a large part of its subversive appeal is that it would be such an irresponsible way to spend our money. Oh, well maybe for my birthday in August.
This is the design for my next tattoo. The 21 point sun represents the day I got married. The sun because it was the summer solstice. The 3 large points represent the year, 2003, the six larger points the month, June, and all 21 points the day, the 21st. I am not sure what will be in the rest of the design. The thing in the center is an old alchemy symbol for fusion.
Tatoos can be very fun. My sister has three. One on her ankle, one on her hip bone and one on her back. Me on the other hand have none. I think I would like one but then I think about having to explain it to my kids. What would they say about me putting perminent ink on my body? How would I feel about my tatoo when I am 60 and having to explain it to my grandkids. Right now it is a fashion statement but to me it reminds me still of a "biker" or rough and tumble sort. Others look at tatoos in the same old fashioned way. I would never be able to put it in a place where my students would see it or other professionals. In your line of work, working with people on a board of directors, it may be hard to have one too. Think hard about it and then think hard again. (and then think one more time) I'm just saying...
It would going onto my back and be my 4th so I have thought of these issues. None of my tattoo are or ever will be visable when I dress for work, I value the ablity to display them when I feel like it.
I knew you had your head on straight. You just seem like that kind of guy, one who is rational and realistic but a playful side too. When I come out to Arizona one day, maybe we can look you up and have a visit, maybe at your favorite taco bar. Your wife, you, my husband and me would all get along great together.
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