At the very start of my run I came across a most unusual landmark, the swastika bridge. Though it is incredibly jarring to see a bridge decorated in a swastika motif, further investigation revealed it to be less scandalous than it first appeared. According a date stamped on it, the bridge was constructed in 1907, when the swastika was merely a popular geometric design and a symbol of total evil. Still the bridge makes for a very jarring sight. I wonder if it was not in such a remote and obscure location if it would have been allowed to change
A lot of the early part of the run went through the farmland. Right now most fields are growing cotton. Between October and April, over 90% of the nation's vegetables will come from these fields.
It was unusually humid this morning and it was even worse along the canal. It reminded me of running in Louisiana, though I doubt it was that humid, still for it here it was. Also creating a Louisiana ambiance was the smell of stagnate canal water.
Though I was not especially speedy this morning It was a good solid run. I have no doubt that I will be ready for the San Diego half-marathon next month.
Excellent pictures!! Wow, the cotton plants with the contrast of the cracked and dried soil. It is amazing that they can get anything to grow there.
Swasticas? hmm, need to think about the acceptability of that. Weird that it is just out in the middle of America. I wonder why they didn't change the designs later on... Wonder if anyone thought about it.
Honestly I just think it has been forgotten about, the bridge is part of some irrigation works that have been abandoned for at least a generation
The bridge is very nicely built. It is a shame they don't build them like that anymore. Simply, a bridge over a drainage ditch and they took the time to make it pretty with decoration and all.
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