It really is the dog days right now. As we try to hide from the incessant summer sun, time is just quietly and uneventfully slipping by. Pleasant but uneventful day follows pleasant but uneventful day and pleasant but uneventful week follows pleasant but uneventful week.With both home and work life settled into such a pleasant routine to such a point that I blink and another week is gone.
I am not complaining, things are good, but I am ready for some excitement. Fortunately exciting change looms on the horizon like a giant thunderhead. We are about to binging to actively try for parenthood. This means that I am really at the end of an era, and I am excited about that. The past couple of post-graduate school years have been fun and fulfilling but I am definitely ready for the next thing.
The other less major thing that will shake my summer torpor up a little bit, as that it is nearly time start training for this falls marathons. The Long Beach Marathon is only three months away, and the San Diego Half-Marathon only a little more than a month away. This is nice because it will give me some place to direct all my restless energy towards.
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