Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pregnant K

Monday, February 25, 2008
The Desert in Bloom

Recent rains has caused the desert to bloom like I have never seen it bloom in the nearly three years that I have lived here. So yesterday I took the dogs out to the field behind the house to enjoy the scenery. As pretty as it was other parts of the desert are even more covered with flowers.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Amelia's Crib
Saturday, February 23, 2008
New Tattoo
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
New Floor and Rug
Monday, February 11, 2008
Out With the Carpet
With our unexpected tax refund windfall we decided to remove the nasty carpet that has been bugging us for a long time. It stinks and it is stained. There is no question that when we go to sell the house that we would have to replace it, so we figure why not do it now when we can enjoy the benefits of the change. This weekend we saw that Sam’s Club had some laminate floor on sale that we really like the look of, so we took the plunge and bought 30 cartons of it.
The first step to installing it was removing the old nasty carpet, an easy task. It was disturbing to find out that the builder did not clean the floor before the floor before putting the carpet down, there was about a quarter of an inch of sand beneath or carpet. My first thought was that this was just dirt that had worked its way down there over the years, then I began finding things like fast food salt and pepper packets and other types debris, so clearly they installed the carpet over whatever dirt and trash was on the floor at the time.
The click lock flooring goes in extremely easy, we got about half of the 500 square feet that we are going to do, done on Sunday, we will finish the rest over the three day weekend. K, who is amazingly industrious for someone six months pregnant did an amazing amount of the work
The Partialy Completed Dining Room
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Cat Poop is Fattening
We realized the disgusting truth behind Berkeley's weight loss this week. Until about a month ago Berkeley had progressively become a fatter and fatter dog. Diet dog food, two runs a day, it didn't matter she kept getting fatter. Then about a month ago she started loosing weight. We were afraid that she was loosing weight because she was sick, until this week when realized the disgusting truth. The one thing that changes since she started loosing weight was my installation of a cat door that now allows the door to room with the cat box to be kept closed. Thus leading to the disgusting conclusion that her habit of eating cat poop is what was making Berkeley fat
Friday, February 1, 2008
Churchill House Olive
We are having a child in a few months, so it seems important to get a few projects that we will not have the time or money for once Amelia gets here. Number one on this list is repainting the house. Not the most sexy or exciting thing, but in places the paint is coming off in fist sized chunks leaving bare stucco exposed. So we are devoted part of out forthcoming tax refund to painting the house.
We, by which I mean K, has selected a color, Churchill House Olive. I am exciting because we will be the first none beige house on the block. The fact all the houses on block are beiege is made even worse by the fact that the houses dirrectly adjacent to ours also share an indentical design and floorplan. So we are striking a blow for inviduality.