Saturday, December 29, 2007
When I told my grandmother what we planned on naming the baby, I found out that one of my great-grandmothers was named Amelia. Interestingly it was her husband, my great-grandfather that my parents named me after.
Talking to my parents I found out for the first that had my brother or I been born a girl, Amelia was on the short list of girls names that they were considering.
The fact that we unknowingly picked a name with so much family history, absolutely convinces me that we picked the right name. Now that my little girl to be has a name my impending fatherhood to be feel even more real, and that is exciting.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Amelia or Owen
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Inga Goes Home
It was amazing how far she came in two plus weeks that she stayed with us. Most notably she managed to pack 10 lbs, on to her emciated 39 lbs frame. Unfortuantley in order to this we had make a lot food avalible, something that Berkeley and Zack to full advatage of and they porked out, Zack is pushing 90 lbs. But even more amazing than Inga's physical recovery was how hew sweet personality emerged as came to feel safe, and how she quick and easily she integrated herself into our household.

While I a very happy that Inga has gone to a great home, it is sad to see her go. She was such a great little dog. Berkeley ans Zack have been even sorry to her go, they had really accepted her as one of the pack. The cats however are estacic, they love the idea of the number weimaraners in the house going down. They must think Santa came early.

Inga and I
Monday, December 10, 2007
Through the Lettuce and Broccoli

After talking about it for weeks I finally got off my butt yesterday and began training for my next marathon. I only went 12 miles because I had to knock off two months worth of rust. It was great to go for a long run again, a nice reminder of why I love to this. I was also reminded why I love winter down here. It was perfect running weather, in the high 50's and somewhat overcast. For a change running outdoors was brisk and refreshing.
This time of year the valley resembles a giant salad bowl. Between November and April 96% of the green vegetables eaten in the U.S. are grown here. One of the funniest things is how much the valley smells like a salad bowl this time of year. The broccoli fields in particular have a strong odor. This is not fun for K right now, one of the more bizarre side effects of here pregnancy is that the smell of green vegetable, which she used to love, now make her nauseous. This being case, she could not be pregnant in worse place or time. Fortunately the veggies smell does not make up onto the mesa where we live.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
3 Weimaraners on a Futon
Last night the weimaraner rescue group sent around an e-mail profiling Inga and announcing that she was available for adoption. With in 12 hours three families had asked to adopt Inga. The rescue group has selected a nurse from Phoenix as the lucky person who gets to adopt her. I am currently awaiting a phone call from her so that we can set up the logistics. While I a thrilled that she has found a good home, it will be a little sad to give her up because she is so sweet, and fits in to our household so well. However with a baby on the way we really don't need a thrid weimaraner .
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tonight I brought the rescue weim home from the vet. Even though ultimately we will be passing her on to a permanent home, I decided that she needed a name, so I have decided to call her Inga.
Aside from suffering bad bloody runny poop, a common sympton of stress in Weimeraners, she seems to be doing well. She has her appetite back, something she did not have at the shelter. Someone must of crate tranied her, because when she saw the bed in a crate that I had preapared for her she made a beeline for it. Berkeley and Zack are getting along just fine with her and house is a peaceful as a house with three Weimeraners in it can be.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Poor Weim

I have wound being the contact person of the Weimeraner rescue group for my county. Last night I got the following e-mail through Weimeraner recue group, from the local Human Society, the very heartbreaking picture, above, attached.
Sorry for this pic, but I wanted you to see her real situation. She is a stray about 18 mo and in heat. How ever there is more than that causing the blood and weight loss. I have a doc coming to see her and give me an opinion as to what the issues might be. However we can not treat serious issues, nor can we spay her or put her up for adoption. I have been on vacation and sadly,it has cost her in time. So sorry, can you help her? She is sweet and friendly, but is getting very sick. let me know.
This morning I got more e-mails, that painted a dire picture for the poor weim in question. It sounded like she pyometra, an serious medical emergency. So I worked with the rescue and my vet and set it up so I could pick up the weim at the humane society and rush it my vet for emergency care fortunately the weim rescue group has the resources to pay for the emergency care. So at about 10:00 I left work and headed down to the humane society. I steeled my self for the very real possibility that all I was going to be able to do for the poor dog was to take it more comfortable environment to be put down.
In the shadow of the Mexican border and adjacent to the sewage treatment plant, the local human society is a truly grim place. As I waited for them to bring her out, I was prepared for the worst. But when they brought her out I a began to have hope, because despite extremely emaciated and filthy her eyes still sparkled, her eyes brightened even further when realized that I was taking her away from the shelter. Still I have never seen an adult weim that small, she would weigh in 39 lbs. Berkeley my adult female weigh close to 80 lbs.
Happily at the vet had god new, besides being malnourished the only thing wrong with her was low grade infection. So currently she is getting spayed. After she has healed up, she will be heading off to the Phoenix area where the rescue group has lined a couple of prospective homes for her.
Sadly I am pretty sure that I know where this dog came from. Apparently she found very near my house. About a year ago I ran into a older women with a weim puppy. Seeing that that I had mine with she began asking me questions about the breed. She had now idea that they are extremely high energy breed. It is not uncommon for people who ignorant of the true nature of the Weimeraner to abandon them when they are about 18 months old when they have ceased being oh so cute puppies, and are no 50-80 of dog driven insane by a lack physical activity.
It chills my heart to think very likely that that seemingly sweet old lady who was doting on her cute little puppy that day would in 18 months abandon that same dog out in the desert. God people suck sometimes. I am just glad this story has a happy ending.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
With Fingers and Everything
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Next Marathon

So I have decided to get ready for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast by making myself hungry with resuming training for a marathon.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Eat My Shorts
Three years ago one or dogs Zack got a sever case of bloat that resulted in emergency surgery to remove a 10" by 3" section of his stomach. He recovered well and leads a normal life, except for the fact that he now prone to upset stomachs. When he has an upset stomach he takes the advice of Bart Simpson literally and eats my shorts.
Zack apparently finds the consumption of amount of fabric to be soothing to his stomach. The picture above is of an old pair of my shorts the now make up part of Zack's bedding. It is his propensity to eat fabric that has resulted in Zack's bed now being composed of discarded clothing and old blankets. After he ate a multitude of holes in all the dog beds that we bought him, we figured that we might as well give him stuff that we don't care if he eats.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Meander Blue
Now that we are starting to put together a nursery, the whole impending fatherhood thing is starting to feel a little more real. My parents just bought us a crib for the nursery. K found it on Craigslist for a very outstanding price. Apparently it is some sort of ubercrib. All the fine details of it are lost on me. But K is very happy with it, so that makes me happy.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Red Meat
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Fossil Dig

The dig was way out in one of the most remote parts of the desert about 20 miles northwest of where we live. The creature that is being dug up this site is an ancient miniature camel, that was about the size of a large dog. Apparently our barren desiccated corner of the world use to be home large herds of mini-camels who roamed across a marshy landscape.
The dig site was on the banks of the wash where rushing water from the rare storm cut down into the layer of rock containing the fossils. The whole looks exactly like how you would imagine a site for digging up fossils, except for the 500 kilovolt power lines running directly overhead. The air was filled with a sound that resembled crackling bacon. The rock that the fossils were in was very soft and could mostly just be pulled apart by hand.
Most of the fossils where just fragments and extremely hard to spot, at least for me. K seems to have much better eyes for this sort of thing. Of all the people there, she made the best find of the day, the end of femur bone still articulated with what ever bone the femur attaches to, and whose name I can’t recall. My best find was a toe bone.
It was a pretty good time. The only really negative was the heat, we had a unusually warm day and nearly broke 100. Needless to say, all us of us were pretty wilted by the end of the day. The other thing that is a shame is that we forgot to charge the camera so we have no pictures of the trip. Two weeks from now the class going to fossil on the beach in Mexico. We are not going that trip. A remote isolated beach in the middle of nowhere in Mexico seems like a bad place to take pregnant women.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A Heartbeat
The really cool part of yesterday though was the sonogram. We got to see the baby's heartbeat, which was so cool. I am kind of blown away by the thought that I know have a child with a beating heart.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Go Rockies
However back when I was in elementary school/junior high I had a much greater love for baseball and followed closely. It was an exciting for baseball in Colorado, as in 1993, the summer before my 7th grade year the Colorado Rockies played there first year, and I like much of the rest of the state was swept in Rockies fever. One of the fondest memories I have from this era of my life was going to a game during their first month of existence at the old Mile High Stadium. They were beyond bad, but nobody cared and over 70,000 people, an unheard of attendance figure for baseball, packed the stadium.
As the years went by my interest in baseball slowly waned, the Rockies never got good, and I just have never found baseball to be interesting enough to follow that closely unless a team I liked was winning, and for better or worse the Rockies remained my team. Once I left Colorado, the Rockies and baseball fell even further into the background. However with there amazing feat of winning the last 21 out of 22 games which has vaulted them into the World Series, had brought them back into the forefront of my attention. Once again I am excited about the Rockies and baseball, if for no other reason than it reconnects me with the 13 year old version of my self who was so excited about baseball back in the spring of '93.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wrap Up
The majority of the course ran along the water front in Long Beach, so the course is very scenic, with the high light being running along side the Queen Mary, which is now permanently moored in Long Beach. Not surprisingly for an event with the word "beach" in its title a good chunk of the race was actually run on a bike trail on the beach, which fit all the classic stereotypes of what a beach in Southern California should look like. I also got a kick out the fire boats which put on a display, as seen in the picture below.

One of the the things that I will remember most of about this race is actually the drive to the race. The night before the race K and I stayed with her father and grandmother in Santa Monica. Because she is a Southern California native and has one of the best sense of direction of anyone I have ever met, we decided it would be best if K drove us down to Long Beach. Apparently her pregnancy has robbed her her once vaunted sense of direction because we made the wrong turn and wound up about 20 miles north of where we should have been before we realized we were lost. I did manage to make it the start line about three minutes before the gun went off, however because I was at the back the huge number of people in the race it was another 10 minutes before the crowed thinned out enough to allow we to actually cross the starting line.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Another Tortoise

Monday, October 15, 2007
Post Race Analysis
I guess all this goes to show, some times you start a race and you can immediately tell that "you got it" that day, and some day you know that it is just not going be your day. Yesterday was the later.
All this aside I still had a great time. When they make the pictures available I will write a post about the fun parts of the race, of which there was many.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Back From Long Beach
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fired Up
Monday, October 8, 2007
Last Run Before Long Beach
It is now less than a week until I run the Long Beach Marathon, so having today off for Columbus Day I put in my last training run, a leisurely 13 miler. So I decided to run up to one, one of the more bizarre local landmarks, the McPhaul Bridge.
The McPhaul Bridge is a suspension bridge that has been abandoned for decades. In its time it was no doubt an impressive structure, it was designed by the person who designed the Golden Gate Bridge. Now it stands decaying in the middle of nowhere the highway it once carried long since rerouted, and the river it spanned long since run dry.
I am really excited about this Sunday's marathon. I think that I have a real chance for a PR. Also with a baby on thee way it is hard to say when I will have the time or money for a marathon. So it should be fun this weekend.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Looking Good
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Cometh, The Stork
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Waiting Is the Hardest Part

Monday, September 24, 2007
Saturday Good, Sunday Bad
For the first time in ages, I had beautiful weather for running this Saturday, when I got for my run it was a wonderful feeling 65 out. During that night it a rained so at dawn when I left for my run, the whole world a pleasant cool damp feel to it. Compared to the scorching heat that I have been running it was pure paradise, and real reminder why I love running.
As great as Saturday was, Sunday just sucked. The Broncos lost ugly which always puts me in a rotten mood. Then last night I absolutely crushed my index finger in the sliding glass patio door. I smashed it hard enough to split the finger nail at its base and send blood spurting out the hole. Then I made the unfortunate discovery that the urgent care center a mile from me closes at 7:00, and so I had to drive 12 miles into town. At least it is not broken, but damn, that hurt more than anything that I have done in years. Typing without using your index finger is a pain.
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Great Weekend

For this weeks long training run I decided to run the Colorado & Gila River Levee. Running on top of the levee caused me to flash back to my time in New Orleans. Back when I was graduate student at the University of New Orleans, I would very often spend pass the huge amount of time between my morning and night classes by running on the many levee running through New Orleans. Levee's are the idea place to run, they are flat, separate from traffic, surfaced with easy on the knees gravel, and are usually in a scenic areas.
Interestingly there was a time when the levee that I was running along would have marked the border between the United States and Mexico. Prior to the Gadsden Purchase, which was the addition to the continental United States the Gila River marked the boundary between the US and Mexico. As I was running it was an interesting mental exercise to picture how the area would be today if they Gila River still was the border. The key to long distance running is keeping the mind thinking about something other than how miserable your body is.
The run went very well, I knocked out 17 miles with no difficulty. I have little doubt that I will be ready for the Long Beach Marathon this October. I am starting to excited about it because it is now less than a month a way. I have not run in race since the Los Angeles Marathon last March, so the the itch to race is growing.

Friday, September 14, 2007
Tonight: A party in Mexico with K's former coworkers
Saturday: Another 20 mile run
Sunday: Broncos v. Raiders
Truly I live a good life.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Denver 15, Buffalo 14

Saturday, September 8, 2007
20 Miles
This morning I finally go.t my 20 mile run in. I got up at 5:00 in order to avoid the worst of the heat. Unfortunately I got a rather slow start and did not actually leave the house until around 6:00. Still, the weather was a relatively pleasant 80 degrees. One new thing for the run was that I was trying a visor, I have never liked how they looked, but I was curious to see if they were any cooler than a regular hat. As it turns out they work great
While running along the tracks I came across one my favorite desert creatures, the burrowing owl. There is just something about the idea of a pocket sized owl that lives under ground the amuses me.
It was a very successful run, the 20 miles went by as easy they could. Unfortunately the problems arose when I got home. When I got home I found a note on the door from K, saying that she had gone out looking for me. Apparently she though that I left right at 5:00, and such I was still not home an hour after I should have been. I did have a cell phone with me, but because it just barley charged I had off in order to save power for a situation where I would need it. Unfortunately it was K's cell, so I had no way of calling her and letting her know that I had made it home ok. So she was left to worriedly search for me while in actuality I was at home floating in the pool. I think we need a better system